14 thoughts on “PKGi PS3 released”

  1. Hi,

    it is possible this to Insert in PKGI

    i have no plan how to .

    can you help please . I read thats have a auto.update Funktion.
    I cannot not the in menu a button for Auto.update.

    please help me

    so many thanks from germany Berlin.

    Greetings from

      1. Hey I wanted ask
        Can you send me the midi file or music file for the pkgi ps3 background music

        I really like the music and I always wanted to have the .mid file or something


  2. Hello,

    PKGi PS3 thinks all of the titles in my pkgi.txt are already installed; they are not. I had installed some Rock Band DLC, made sure it loaded, but when I came back to PKGi, it showed all of the DLC was installed. I deleted Rock Band, PKGi, and the associated .rap and any other files I could find relating to the installed DLC. Then I reinstalled RB and PKGi and moved the pkgi.txt back to the PKGi USRDIR folder; PKGi is still reading that the DLC is installed.

  3. Any plans to add PS1, PS2, minis categories? Also thank you for your work, I really like your project, it’s awesome and much better than those XMB mods.

  4. Hello, I know this post is old and you may not even read this but is worth the shot:
    I wanted to know if there is any way to backup games downloaded from PKGi, in my PC for example, since I ran out of space in my PS3 and I would like to keep downloading other games. It would be nice to not have to delete my games permanently so I don’t have to download them again.
    Thanks in advance if you can provide any help!

    P. S. Your project is great! 10/10

  5. Hi, can you add in PKGI the ability to define your own categories in csv files? The function of loading thumbnails from the url from the csv file would also be an interesting solution – increasing the space for a single record.

  6. Hi, I explored the PKGI store and found the store fantastic, I was wondering if you would one day put this store on the console “Nintendo Wii” it is a fantastic console with an incredible library of games! but there is no free store to download the games and you always need a computer to download the games and install on HD , Can you make a free games store for the Wii ?

  7. Could you expand PKGi for PS3? The details display could be full screen, to have more space and could show:
    – thumbnail (from URL in .txt file or from file in PKGI folder e.g.: thumbnails/UP0000-NPUA00001_00-XXXXXXXXX000001.jpg)
    – release date (from column in .txt file)
    – languages ​​(from column in .txt file) – here there could also be filtering by languages ​​in the list

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